Proposed Texas Bill Puts the Abortion Wars Ahead of Effective Sex Education

The abortion wars trump common sense on the right. We sent out the following press release this afternoon: PROPOSED LEGISLATION ADDS NEW AND UNNECESSARY OBSTACLES FOR EFFECTIVE SEX EDUCATION IN TEXAS SCHOOLS State Law Already Requires Informing Parents on Sex Ed, Right to Opt Out The Texas Freedom Network is releasing the following statement regarding […]

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Right-wingers Fail Again to Replace Joe Straus as Texas House Speaker

The Texas House of Representatives started the 2013 session today the same way it ended 2011 — with state Rep. Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, as speaker. This represents the third session in a row in which far-right groups like Texas Eagle Forum and Liberty Institute/Texas Values along with Tea Party activists have failed to keep […]

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2012 in Quotes: Neanderthal Edition II

As we continue our review of what we heard from the far right in 2012, check out more outrageous notions about abortion, birth control and sex. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. “Republicans being against sex is not good. Sex is popular.” — Alex Castellanos, a GOP strategist, on his […]

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