Why Has the National Abortion Rate Declined?

A new study from the Guttmacher Institute shows that the nation’s abortion rate in 2008-11 fell to its lowest level since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing the procedure across the country. What’s behind the decline? From Guttmacher’s press release: “With abortion rates falling in almost all states, our study did not […]

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The far right’s determination to demean and destroy its opponents knows no bounds, apparently. In fact, the “Abortion Barbie” attacks on state Sen. Wendy Davis began shortly after her courageous filibuster last summer. But this image is a twofer for race-baiters and activists in the war on women. Truly vile. We have no intention of […]

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David Being David

See, if David Barton had just acknowledged that climate change is actually a thing, and that humans are a major contributing factor, we could have possibly, for once, agreed on something. But noooooooo, David Barton just had to be David Barton, and he kept going. The policy he’s referring to in the following quote is […]

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