Breaking: Evangelical Publisher Pulls Barton’s Book on Jefferson

More to come on this, but huge news today as Thomas Nelson Publishing “decided to cease publication and distribution of David Barton’s controversial book, The Jefferson Lies.” Here is TFN’s press release. TFN COMMENDS THOMAS NELSON PUBLISHING FOR PULLING DAVID BARTON’S DISTORTED BOOK ON THOMAS JEFFERSON Barton’s The Jefferson Lies was the subject of a […]

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Poll: Conservapedia’s 2012 Olympics Entry vs. 2012 TX GOP Platform

You’ve no doubt heard of Conservapedia, the website that bills itself as — for lack of a better term — the fair and balanced alternative to Wikipedia. The name Conservapedia should give you an indication of the kind of balance they offer. We recently got wind of Conservapedia’s chuckle-inducing entry on the 2012 Summer Olympics, […]

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Debbie Riddle Has An Idea

Social conservatives have long pointed to the constitutional bar on government-sponsored prayer in public schools as the source of many of society’s ills. Just last week, when a gunman opened fire in a crowded movie theater, some trotted out the “If only we had prayer in schools” argument as a solution for preventing such tragedies. […]

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