Is Anyone Surprised That He Also Rejects Evolution as Based on Science?

U.S. Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin, the Republican nominee challenging Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill in Missouri, told Tea Partiers on Thursday that there’s no science behind evolution. Think Progress has Akin’s quote here: “I don’t see it as even a matter of science because I don’t know that you can prove one or the […]

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Texas Supreme Court Might Consider David Barton Defamation Lawsuit

David Barton‘s outrageous defamation lawsuit against two Texas State Board of Education candidates could be headed to the state Supreme Court. Barton, the head of the Texas-based political advocacy group WallBuilders and a former vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party, is suing Democrats Rebecca Bell-Metereau of San Marcos and Judy Jennings of Austin. The […]

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David Barton on America During the Civil War: Things Were Just Swell!

Pseudo-historian David Barton now wants to persuade Americans that things were pretty good in the United States during the Civil War — arguable our nation’s most traumatic, divisive and certainly bloodiest war. From our friends at Right Wing Watch: When David Barton appeared on Glenn Beck’s program to discuss the important of prayer and fasting, […]

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