In 2007 the Texas Legislature passed a law encouraging the state’s public schools to teach about the influence of the Bible in history and literature. Schools can do that either by weaving such instruction into existing social studies and literature courses, or they can create full courses about the Bible. Today the Texas Freedom Network […]
Religious Right Watch
The religious right strategically uses religion and religious language, combined with patriotic symbols, to push a political agenda that has little connection to the values of mainstream people of faith. It is, in short, a political rather than religious movement. The Texas Freedom Network has monitored the religious right in Texas since 1995.
- The Rise of the Religious Right in Texas (2006 Report)
- The Religious Right and the State Board of Education (2008 Report)
- The Religious Right and Sex Education
- The Bible and Public Schools
- How the Religious Right Hijacked the National Day of Prayer (2005 Report)
- The Texas Restoration Project
- David Barton Watch
He's a Marxist! And I Still Can't Spell His Name!
Cathie Adams, president of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum, has had more than four years to learn how to spell the name of the president of the United States and still can’t. She still seems more interested in making sure people know that his middle name is Hussein and that she thinks he’s a dirty […]
By Our Enemies Ye Shall Know Us
Hate mail we received today: […]
CNN's Piers Morgan Calls Texas Gun Extremist's Rant 'Terrifying,' 'Deluded'
Just how bizarre was Texas radio commentator Alex Jones’ wild-eyed gun rant on Piers Morgan’s CNN program on Monday? Speaking on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, Morgan himself called the tirade “startling,” “terrifying” and “completely deluded”: “I can’t think of a better advertisement for gun control than Alex Jones’ interview last night. It was startling, it was […]
Texas Right-wing Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Goes into Full Meltdown on CNN
Need more evidence that Texas has become a prime breeding ground for the whack-a-doodle rightist fringe? Exhibit 492 (but who’s counting?): Austin-based radio commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, exploding in mouth-foaming rage on Piers Morgan’s CNN program Monday. Jones talked about his support for a petition to deport Morgan, who has enraged pro-gun […]