‘Racial Origins Traced from Noah’

What are Texas students learning in their public school courses about the Bible? Here’s an excerpt from instructional materials used in Bible courses taught in two school districts: The long-discredited claim that racial diversity today can be traced back to Noah’s sons — and particularly the supposed link between his cursed son Ham and “African […]

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New TFNEF Report: Texas Public School Bible Classes Teach Races Come from Noah’s Sons, Biblical Literalism, 6000-year-old Earth

In 2007 the Texas Legislature passed a law encouraging the state’s public schools to teach about the influence of the Bible in history and literature. Schools can do that either by weaving such instruction into existing social studies and literature courses, or they can create full courses about the Bible. Today the Texas Freedom Network […]

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He's a Marxist! And I Still Can't Spell His Name!

Cathie Adams, president of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum, has had more than four years to learn how to spell the name of the president of the United States and still can’t. She still seems more interested in making sure people know that his middle name is Hussein and that she thinks he’s a dirty […]

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CNN's Piers Morgan Calls Texas Gun Extremist's Rant 'Terrifying,' 'Deluded'

Just how bizarre was Texas radio commentator Alex Jones’ wild-eyed gun rant on Piers Morgan’s CNN program on Monday? Speaking on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, Morgan himself called the tirade “startling,” “terrifying” and “completely deluded”: “I can’t think of a better advertisement for gun control than Alex Jones’ interview last night. It was startling, it was […]

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