Today’s Lesson is 50-49 = 1 Texas+Infinity Freedom

There we were this morning, gathering info for our State Board of Education 2014 elections page when we stumbled upon the website, and then the Facebook page, of SBOE District 3 candidate Dave Mundy, R-Gonzales. Mundy, the general manager and editor of the Gonzales Cannon newspaper, acknowledges that as an SBOE member he would have […]

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GOP Candidates for Texas Lieutenant Governor Advocate Teaching Creationism in Public Schools

During a debate in Waco on Thursday, candidates for the Republican nomination for Texas lieutenant governor said they support teaching biblical creationism in the state’s public schools. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that teaching creationism in public school science classrooms violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and two […]

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Do Texas Eagle Forum and Empower Texans Hate America?

We often hear right-wing groups claim that liberals lack sufficient respect for the principles and rights enshrined in America’s founding documents. The protection of inherent freedoms, they argue, makes the United States exceptional among the nations. So we think it’s a bit ironic to see Texas Eagle Forum, Empower Texans and other groups on the […]

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Santa’s Lawyer

Question: Did you do nothing today other than sit on the couch and watch TV? Congratulations, your day was far more productive than the folks over at the far-right group Texas Values, who spent the day at the Capitol fighting an imaginary opponent alongside state Rep. Dwayne Bohac, R-Houston, and others in the latest round […]

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Et tu, Ted Cruz?

How extreme are many of the folks who make up the Tea Party brigades who so joyfully helped elect Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate? Check out Sen. Cruz’s Facebook page to see what happened when he said something respectful about Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday. South Africa’s white government imprisoned Mandela for nearly […]

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