Poll: Big Shifts in American Views on Social Issues

A new Gallup poll has some troubling news for the religious right: For the first time since the firm began asking the question in 1999, the percentage of Americans identifying as liberal on social issues is the same as the percentage identifying as socially conservative. The poll, conducted May 6-10, shows that 31 percent of Americans […]

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How the Religious Right Corrupts Christianity

As we’ve said before, the religious right isn’t really a religious movement. It’s a political movement that uses religion as a weapon to divide Americans and push an agenda. And that agenda often promotes a peculiar version of political Christianity. So we weren’t surprised this week to see a fundraising letter from a California-based group called The Center […]

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Lt. Gov’s Advisory Panel Says Gov’s Pre-K Plans Will Lead Texas Kids to Godless Socialism

For another indication of just how much the paranoid, right-wing political fringe has become embedded in Texas government, check out what Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s “Grassroots Advisory Board” is up to. Today the panel of Tea Party activists released a letter criticizing Gov. Greg Abbott’s plans to expand pre-K programs in the state. Those programs, the advisory board insists, will undermine parental […]

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This Week @ the Texas Legislature: Attacking Muslim Americans

Click below for contact information of committee members. Tuesday, April 14 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee For the second time this year, the House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence committee will hear bills targeting Muslim Americans with thinly veiled discriminatory legislation: HB 899 by state Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Frisco, would bar application of foreign laws and […]

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Take Action: Stop the Muslim Bashing at the Legislature

Texas politicians are again targeting Muslim Americans with thinly veiled discriminatory legislation. On Tuesday the Texas House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee will hear testimony on three bills that threaten religious freedom for everyone, but especially religious minorities. We need your help to stop these bills. HB 562 by state Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, HB […]

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