The Religious Right and Health Care Reform

One of the most puzzling things about the debate over health insurance reform has been the religious right’s strident opposition. If the movement’s leaders didn’t constantly remind you that they are pastors and people of faith, you’d never know it from their comments about health care. Instead of honest proposals for how our society can […]

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Cathie Adams on the Clintons

Next in our series on Cathie Adams, the new chair of the Texas Republican Party: her almost unhinged hatred for former President Bill Clinton and his wife, current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Far-right politicians, commentators and activists have targeted the Clintons with venomous attacks over the years. Adams has been no exception. She has even implied that the […]

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Cathie Adams on Science and Public Health

Up next in our series on new Texas Republican Party Chairwoman Cathie Adams: her anti-science views and peculiar anti-government paranoia, even when it comes to bipartisan, common-sense measures dealing with public health and children. […]

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Already Looking to Dump Cathie Adams?

Are Texas Republicans already looking to dump Cathie Adams, the state party’s newly appointed chair? Gardner Selby of the Austin American-Statesman writes that Adams already has an opponent in next year’s June election for party chair: Tom Mechler of Amarillo. He reports that former Texas GOP chair George Strake is backing Mechler’s bid to replace […]

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Cathie Adams on Religious Freedom

We continue our look at the extremist statements that Cathie Adams, the new chair of the Texas Republican Party, has made over the years. Today we look at Adams’ alarming views about religious freedom in America. She seems to agree that Americans are free to worship as they choose, but she wants government to make […]

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