Olbermann Talks David Barton

MSNBC talk show host Keith Olbermann talked about “historian” David Barton this week with Rob Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Seems that Barton is getting even more attention these days since he joined efforts to hijack the social studies curriculum in Texas to push his far-right ideological agenda. Check out […]

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Using Extremism to Build a Movement

“After I spent the weekend at the Tea Party National Convention in Nashville, Tenn., it has become clear to me that the movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It’s more John Birch than John Adams. . . .  Within a few hours in Nashville, […]

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Barton’s Contempt for Religious Freedom

So did the nation’s Founders intend the Constitution to treat all Americans equally, regardless of their religion? A court brief recently filed by his Texas-based WallBuilders organization makes it pretty clear that David Barton doesn’t think so. WallBuilders, which opposes separation of church and state, has filed the brief in a federal appeals court that […]

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The UN Is Coming to Get Your Guns!

Friday’s “Republican Party of Texas Update” e-mail puts party Chair Cathie Adams’ bizarre worries on display once again. The Update notes Adams’ activities while attending the Republican National Committee Winter Meeting. Among them: “Chairman Adams sponsored a resolution reaffirming the American right to bear arms, in the face of threats eminating from international bodies like the […]

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Who Are the Real Radicals?

The departure of Cathie Adams to become Texas Republican Party chair hasn’t left Texas Eagle Forum without its fringe characters. TEF’s new president, Pat Carlson, is carrying on in Adams’ tradition of spouting extremist nonsense. Case in point: a Carlson-bylined article in last month’s edition of the TEF’s Torch publication warns that efforts to protect the […]

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