No Religious Test… Except for Muslims

In case you missed it, last week The Daily Show ran a funny piece on the battle over the re-election of Joe Straus as speaker of the Texas House. The show poked fun at the “miracle” of electing a Jewish speaker in a famously Christian land like Texas. And predictably, they found plenty of religious […]

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Small Government or Small Minds?

The so-called “Tea Party” movement has claimed the last couple of years to be focused on shrinking government. But often the intolerant rhetoric of its leaders betrays such claims as terribly disingenuous. Case in point: Dallas Tea Party leader Phillip Dennis’ televised attacks on the faith of President Obama and on Muslims this week. [youtube=] […]

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Fanning the Flames of Bigotry in Texas

The Texas Eagle Forum’s verbal attacks on American Muslims are growing ever more paranoid and shrill. A new e-mail from the group’s president, Pat Carlson, brings another example. Wednesday’s e-mail featured an article from The Torch, the group’s online newsletter, in which Carlson promotes absurd fears that Muslims are working to take over the United […]

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David Barton: Still Flirting with Hate Groups

What’s his excuse this time? David Barton, head of the Texas-based group WallBuilders, once again is giving credibility to a far-right hate group. In 1991 Barton spoke at two events sponsored by groups with ties to white supremacists. He later pleaded ignorance, claiming that he had not known the groups were “part a Nazi movement.” […]

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Christian Coalition/Republican Party?

The Christian Coalition of American sent out an e-mail blast today demanding that Congress repeal last year’s landmark health care reform bill. The e-mail decries the “government takeover of our nation’s health care system” and includes a list of claims about the terrible things the bill would do: fund abortions, limit doctor choice, cause health […]

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