Send Rick Perry a Birthday Message

Right-wing groups are directing folks today to a special web page to wish Texas Gov. Rick Perry a Happy Birthday. But you can also send him this important message: Withdraw your appointment of Gail Lowe as chairwoman of the State Board of Education and appoint a new chair who will finally put the education of […]

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Jesus Wept

Talking Points Memo reports on what far-right demonstrators did when they saw a Muslim man praying in front of the White House today. [youtube=] […]

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RR Groups Oppose Anti-Bullying Bill

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller testified yesterday at a Texas House Public Education Committee hearing (archived video of the hearing here) in support of legislation to help schools better protect their students from bullying. Tragically, unrelenting harassment and bullying have led some Texas students — like 13-year-old Asher Brown last September — to take […]

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From Burning Bushes to Crying Babies

For everyone who thought the culture warriors on the religious right would take a back seat at the Texas Legislature during this once-a-generation budget crisis, ladies and gentlemen, we give you exhibit A: During last week’s debate in the Texas Senate over the “sonogram bill” — legislation that would require a doctor show a sonogram […]

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Listen Up, Houston

Our friends at the James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University have asked us to extend an invitation to TFN members and supporters in the Houston-area to attend this event on Thursday: Educating for a “Christian America”? Bible Courses, Social Studies Standards and the Texas Controversy with Mark A. Chancey, Ph.D. Professor […]

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