Gov. Perry and the Father of Science

There we were, almost at the end of last night’s Republican presidential debate, ready to declare that Texas had gotten off embarrassment-free. Then the moderator had to ruin it all by asking Gov. Rick Perry a question about science. Asked about climate change, Gov. Perry repeated his claim that the idea of man-made global warming […]

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Dan Patrick: State Senator, Artiste

Watercolor depiction of the Statue of Liberty with the face of Jesus Christ, by far-right state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston. That is all. (h/t Texas Independent) UPDATE This is how Sen. Patrick explained his painting on his Facebook page: In teaching myself how to watercolor I was trying different styles. After a beach scene, I […]

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Perry’s Weekend Confab

The Texas Tribune this morning published what is the most complete account to date of what happened last weekend when Gov. Rick Perry traveled to Fredericksburg to attend a confab of social conservatives hosted by the so-called “sugar daddy” of the far right in Texas, Dr. James Leininger. […]

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Submissive Wives and Presidential Politics

On the heels of its almost-endorsement of Rick Perry last week, David Lane and the American Renewal Project are back at it again. Our female readers might want to sit down for this one. Lane is up in arms over a question asked of Michele Bachmann at a Fox News Republican presidential primary debate earlier […]

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The Return of James Leininger

When one discusses Gov. Rick Perry’s rise to power, the name Dr. James Leininger has to be part of the conversation. Dr. Leininger, a hospital bed magnate from San Antonio with a historical willingness to use his wealth to influence elections in favor of far-right candidates and causes, has been termed the “Sugar Daddy” of […]

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