2016 in Quotes: Anti-Muslim Hysteria and Religious Freedom

As continue our review of the outrageous and offensive things we heard from the right in 2016, let’s look at the some of the year’s rhetoric involving anti-Muslim hysteria and religious freedom. You can check out previous posts from the Year in Quotes here. […]

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A Simple Request

I am a rabbi in Tyler, Texas, and my three children proudly attend our local public schools. At the invitation of our local superintendent, I was recently honored to share a presentation on religious diversity with all of the principals in our school district. This invitation did not come out of nowhere. It was part […]

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Texas Legislator Confirms: ‘Yes, I Hate Islam’

Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, lost her re-election bid in the Republican primary on March 2, but she’s still reinforcing her reputation as one of the Legislature’s biggest Islamophobes. Wednesday night she posted on her official Facebook page a link to a video featuring Brigitte Gabriel, one of the most vicious anti-Muslim extremists in America today. In […]

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Ted Cruz: A True ‘Champion’ of ‘Religious Liberty’

Ted Cruz needs to just get it over with and start doing air quotes every time he utters the term “religious liberty.” Or at least have a staffer stand next to him, ready to flash a cardboard sign with an asterisk every time he says it. Here was Cruz on “Good Morning America” on Monday: […]

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