Congress and the Sabbath

Can David Barton really be serious? The head of Texas-based WallBuilders, which opposes separation of church and state, now says that Congress is violating the Constitution when its members meet on Sundays, the Christian Sabbath. Really. In an e-mail to WallBuilders activists, Barton is criticizing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., for having senators work […]

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Merry Christmas! (It’s the Law!)

In case you were wondering, it’s legal to wish people a “Merry Christmas.” Of course, no one really doubted that. But attorney Kelly Coghlan has decided to take the phony “War on Christmas” nonsense to even more absurd levels by letting people know that federal law officially calls December 25 “Christmas.” Coghlan ( is the Houston lawyer […]

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Please Support TFN’s Work for a Better Texas

As 2009 draws to a close, we have been reflecting on what has been a very busy year for the Texas Freedom Network. In February, for example, we made national news with the release of our groundbreaking report on the shocking failure of Texas to provide responsible sex education in our public schools. We made important progress […]

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The Good Book Goes to School

Two years ago, the state of Texas passed a law encouraging — but NOT mandating — elective Bible courses in public schools. (TFN and other religious and civil liberties groups worked very hard to make sure this new law included a few common-sense safeguards that would prevent teachers from turning such courses into Sunday school […]

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Olbermann vs. the Texas State Board of Ed

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann last night named the Texas State Board of Education the day’s “Worst Person in the World” for requiring that Texas public schools teach about the Bible. Check out a video clip here. (The clip begins with a commercial and two runners-up to the “Worst Person in the World.”) In truth, it’s a […]

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