Rafael Cruz Falsely Claims San Antonio Will Fine Pastors Who Preach Against Homosexuality

Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, is joining David Barton in spreading blatant mistruths about San Antonio’s revised Nondiscrimination Ordinance. That ordinance now bars discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and public accommodations. Barton told hundreds of pastors gathered in Austin earlier this month that the ordinance bars anyone who criticizes […]

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Rafael Cruz: Separation of Church and State Is a 'One-Way Wall'

David Barton wasn’t the only prominent speaker (see here, here and here) at the Texas Renewal Project event on April 3-4 in Austin. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and Rafael Cruz, father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, were among the list of right-wing evangelical speakers at the gathering of hundreds of pastors and […]

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Sen. Ted Cruz's Dad Says: 'Communism and Evolution Go Hand in Hand'

Where did Texas Sen. Ted Cruz develop his extremist political views? Perhaps right at home. Our friends at Right Wing Watch have the video of the senator’s father, Rafael Cruz, talking about how communists use homosexuality and evolution to gain power. Homosexuality, you see, destroys families. Communists want that, apparently. As for evolution: “You know […]

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