Texas Senate OKs Anti-Bullying Bill

The Texas Senate today passed House Bill 1942 unanimously, yet another step toward protecting children from bullying in the state’s public schools. Because a Senate committee made a technical change to the bill, the bill must go back to the House for approval before heading to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature. The Texas Freedom […]

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TX Senate Committee Passes Anti-Bullying Bill

Legislative efforts to protect bullied children in Texas schools just passed the Senate Education Committee. The Texas House passed House Bill 1942 on May 4. The full Senate must now approve the bill to send it on to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature. If HB 1942 becomes law, it would:  Include the definition of […]

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The Chuck Norris Amendment

If you’re a heterosexual college student, state Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, wants you to stay that way. Just the heterosexual part; the House is still slashing funds for education, so you’re apparently on your own for the student part. But keep Rep. Christian in your thoughts next time you’re walking into your campus’ Chuck Norris […]

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Clean Up the Law: Protect the Rights of All

A Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial today says it’s past time for Texas legislators to remove from the law books the state’s sodomy statute, which the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional in 2003. Two bills, HB 604 by state Rep. Jessica Farrar and HB 2156 by state Rep. Garnet Coleman, would repeal the sodomy statute. They […]

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The Constitution vs. the Bible?

A March 4 e-mail from the Houston Area Pastor Council demonstrates the religious right’s insistence that our nation’s laws be based on narrow religious beliefs. The e-mail features an essay by a pastor who argues that President Obama is guilty of pitting “the Constitution against the bible on a matter of fundamental human morality.” […]

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