An Anti-Gay Voice from the (Recent) Past at the Southern Baptist Convention

When Southern Baptists reaffirmed their hostility to equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans this week in New Orleans, a leading anti-gay voice there was a Texas pastor who has promoted Texas Gov. Rick Perry to conservative evangelicals in the past. Southern Baptists meeting at their denomination’s annual convention overwhelmingly passed a resolution attacking marriage […]

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Equality Project Training Opportunity Focuses on LGBT Issues

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund is proud to co-sponsor with Equality Texas Foundation a special Equality Project Training opportunity for Central Texas activists on June 16 in La Grange. Equality Project is a public education and civic engagement program on policy issues related to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) citizens […]

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How Extreme Will the Texas GOP Platform Be This Year?

Both the Democratic and Republican parties of Texas will meet in convention this week. Ever since the religious right’s takeover of the Texas Republican Party in the 1990s, the state GOP platform has been almost a manifesto for extremism. The 2010 platform, for example, calls separation of church and state a “myth”; insists on abstinence-only […]

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Feel the Hate — Then Join TFN to Fight Back

Check out how Liberty Institute — the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family — is describing State Board of Education member George Clayton. Clayton, a Republican from the Dallas area, lost his re-election bid Tuesday in the GOP primary. The sneering contempt is almost palpable: In the North Texas area, incumbent SBOE member George […]

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RR Freak Out over Obama Support for Marriage Equality

President Obama’s declaration Wednesday that he supports marriage equality for same-sex couples has religious-righters practically foaming at the mouth. Here are just a few of the comments from right-wing extremists in Texas. Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastor Council says the president is an enemy of God: “When marriage is everything, marriage is nothing. […]

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