VIDEO: Rev. Leslie Jackson at Faith Advocacy Day

This video is of Rev. Leslie Jackson of United Church of Christ in Houston. Rev. Jackson was one of the featured speakers at Faith Advocacy Day, a gathering at the Texas Capitol of people of faith and faith leaders who support full equality for LGBT Texans. A transcript of his remarks can be found below. […]

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Faith Leaders Speak Out for LGBT Equality in Texas

Hundreds of clergy and other faith leaders from Protestant, Catholic, Unitarian and Jewish congregations gathered today at the Texas Capitol to speak out for LGBT equality. The Texas Freedom Network co-sponsored the event with Equality Texas. Here’s the press release we sent out: FAITH LEADERS CALL FOR EQUALITY FOR LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER TEXANS Discrimination […]

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The Constitution or ‘God’s Law’?

Speaking Sunday on Fox News, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore declared that he will continue to reject any federal court rulings that state same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. Why? God’s law (as he interprets it) trumps everything: “This power over marriage, which came from God under our organic law, is not to be redefined by the United […]

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While the Right Wants Government to Discriminate, People of Faith Are Taking a Stand for Equality

Much of the opposition to the move toward equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people has been focused on the right of individuals and businesses to use religion to discriminate. As troubling as that is, we’re also seeing politicians work to ensure that government takes a proactive role in discriminating against LGBT people. Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, […]

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Battle over Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance: Truth vs. Lies

The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), as the short video above shows, isn’t hard to understand. But the rhetoric from religious-righters is increasingly vitriolic and deceitful in the reckless campaign to repeal HERO. Religious-right activists are even claiming that Mayor Annise Parker, who supports the ordinance, is calling people who have organized to oppose the ordinance “criminals.” When the City […]

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