The Constitution or ‘God’s Law’?

Speaking Sunday on Fox News, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore declared that he will continue to reject any federal court rulings that state same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. Why? God’s law (as he interprets it) trumps everything: “This power over marriage, which came from God under our organic law, is not to be redefined by the United […]

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Here Is How Religious-Right Activists Sound So Much Like Opponents of Interracial Marriage Decades Ago

Redefining #marriage “equals” no safeguards against “freedom to marry” multiple people for love, polygamy. #txlege — Jonathan Saenz (@jonathansaenzTX) January 22, 2015 “Redefining #marriage “equals” no safeguards against “freedom to marry” multiple people for love, polygamy.” Jonathan Saenz, the lawyer/lobbyist who heads the anti-gay group Texas Values, is once again making arguments Americans heard long […]

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Prominent Texas GOP Activist: Gay Marriage a ‘Mirage,’ Promotes ‘Perverse Sexual Practices’

Religious-righters are turning to increasingly vitriolic rhetoric as they rally around proposed legislation that would bar any state or local officials in Texas from issuing or recognizing marriage licenses for same-sex couples if federal courts, including the Supreme Court, strike down the state ban on such unions. House Bill 623 by state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, would bar the […]

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Greg Abbott’s Hypocrisy

Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott is getting well-deserved criticism for his comments at a conservative forum about city ordinances that ban fracking and disposable plastic bags at stores. Claiming that such measures show that Texas is being “Californianized,” Abbott absurdly argued that they represent intolerable limits on freedom: “That is contrary to my vision for Texas. My vision is one […]

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2015 Texas Lege: Contender for Most Ridiculous Bill of the Session

A Texas legislator who opposes same-sex marriage has a message for federal courts and gay people: “Screw you.” The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is set to consider on Friday a case that could overturn the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas. But state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, wants Texas to ignore a ruling that the ban violates the U.S. Constitution. […]

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