Texas Lege Candidates Support Key Private School Voucher Position

Another sign that private school vouchers will be a battle in the 2013 legislative session in Texas: at least 35 Republican candidates for the Texas House of Representatives on November 6 have indicated that they support an argument used by voucher advocates for draining tax dollars from public schools to subsidize tuition at private and […]

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Most GOP Candidates for Texas Ed Board Support Teaching ‘Weaknesses’ of Evolution, Posting Ten Commandments in Public Schools

During the Texas State Board of Education‘s debate over science curriculum standards in 2008, supporters of sound science education succeeded in killing a provision that would have required students to learn creationism-inspired arguments about the “weaknesses” of evolution. But nine Republicans in state board races apparently will insist that new biology textbooks include those bogus […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “F*** vouchers.” — The late state Sen. Mario Gallegos, on his deathbed, to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. Gallegos, D-Houston, was a stalwart supporter of education and voting rights, in one session returning to the Senate early after a liver transplant to try to block voter ID legislation. He died on […]

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TFN’s Kathy Miller Talks about Texas SBOE Elections on Houston’s KPFT

TFN President Kathy Miller will be on Houston radio station KPFT (90.5 FM) at 6 a.m. Thursday (October 18) to talk about this year’s important State Board of Education elections in Texas. If you don’t live in station’s broadcast area, you can catch the livestream of the program, Thresholds, online here. Or you can listen […]

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