SBOE Must Comply with the Law on Bible Class Standards

SBOE Must Comply with the Law on Bible Class Standards Lawmakers Passed Curriculum Requirement to Protect Districts, Taxpayers and Religious Freedom of Students FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27, 2008 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today called on the State Board of Education to comply with legislation passed last year that requires specific content curriculum […]

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Odessa Lawsuit Agreement Confirms TFN Warnings about Deeply Flawed Bible Course

Odessa Lawsuit Agreement Confirms TFN Warnings about Deeply Flawed Bible Course Schools Using Flawed Curriculum Put Taxpayers at Risk FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2008 Today’s agreement to remove a widely marketed Bible curriculum from Odessa public schools confirms that the curriculum is deeply flawed and threatens the religious freedom of students, the president of […]

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Recorded Lecture Reveals New Texas Education Board Chair’s Hostility To Science, Religious Tolerance

Recorded Lecture Reveals New Texas Education Board Chair’s Hostility To Science, Religious Tolerance McLeroy Characterizes Evolution/’Intelligent Design’ Debate as Clash Between ‘Orthodox Christians’ and Others FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 7, 2007 A recorded lecture reveals that the new chairman of the State Board of Education harbors a shocking hostility to both sound science education and […]

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Texas Freedom Network Statement on Senate Passage of Bible Class Bill

Texas Freedom Network Statement on Senate Passage of Bible Class Bill Senate Keeps Safeguards That Protect Religious Freedom in Public School Bible Classes FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 23, 2007 The Texas Senate today overwhelming passed a bill setting standards for public high school classes about the Bible. The bill includes safeguards for religious freedom unanimously […]

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Odessa Bible Class Lawsuit a Result of Reckless Decisions by Local Officials

Odessa Bible Class Lawsuit a Result of Reckless Decisions by Local Officials School Trustees Put Their Religious and Political Agendas above the Interests of Students and Taxpayers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 16, 2007 A lawsuit filed today over Bible courses in Odessa public high schools is the direct result of reckless decisions made by local […]

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