Column: SBOE again takes aim at evolution

The State Board of Education’s war on evolution in Texas public schools is in the news again. Now the Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and other newspaper around the state are publishing this new column from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller. Here is the full version: […]

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Creationist Group Wants a Tax Break to Discriminate

How far will religious-righters go to use faith as a weapon to harm others? Pretty far — including demanding government help to do it. Answers in Genesis, a militantly anti-evolution ministry, is suing the state of Kentucky for the right of its proposed creation theme park to discriminate on the basis of religion even while getting $18 million in […]

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The 65-Ton, 85-Foot-Long Dreadnoughtus in the Room

The anti-science crowd will be working overtime this weekend to account for this one: scientists have unearthed what could be one of the largest living things to ever walk the planet, a dinosaur so massive that it may have been heavier than a Boeing 737-900 passenger jet. The report from the L.A. Times: This hulking […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “I think everyone here is doing it because we believe in the message and we ultimately want people to be saved. We want people to realize the Bible is trustworthy in matters of history and when it touches science. And because you can trust it in those areas, you can trust […]

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