Texas Eagle Forum's Vicious Attack on Wendy Davis

Texas Eagle Forum, a state chapter of Phyllis Schlafly’s right-wing group, has published in its January newsletter part of an incendiary Internet column from last summer that leveled vicious personal attacks on state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth. Davis is running for Texas governor this year. The group’s Torch newsletter says Davis and fellow Democratic […]

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Texas Politicians Can't Resist Pandering to Extremists

It seems that Texas is filled with politicians competing with each other for the votes of right-wing extremists. The latest example of this came on Monday at a tea party meeting in the Fort Worth suburb of Bedford. As the Texas Observer reports, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and his re-election opponents in next year’s Republican […]

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Rejecting Science, Race-Baiting and 'Screams from the Pit of Hell'

Our friends at Right Wing Watch have noted a lot of crazy coming out of Texas recently. Here are a few choice examples: On Wednesday Right Wing Watch posted video of self-styled “historian” David Barton pretending to know something about science. The head of Texas-based WallBuilders actually reveals that his knowledge of science is about as pitiful as his […]

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Texas Eagle Forum President: Immigration Reform Will Bring the End Times!

It’s not all that unusual to hear ideologues throw up almost any argument, kooky or not, in an attempt to defeat something they don’t like. They’re simply hoping to sway enough voters (with whatever arguments work) to “win” a debate. But it can be startling when you realize that they really, really believe some of […]

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