Another Science FAIL at American Family Association

Bryan Fischer, the minister of propaganda for the hate group American Family Association, is one of the far right’s most prominent climate-change deniers. He sarcastically tweets today: Catastrophic global warming alert: Colorado gets five inches of snow. IN APRIL.… — Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) April 23, 2013 Fischer thinks an April snowfall in Colorado is […]

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Bryan Fischer: ‘Get God and Guns Back into Schools’

Bryan Fischer, a spokesperson for the right-wing group American Family Association (and a supporter of another presidential run by Texas Gov. Rick Perry in 2016) has Friday’s horrifying massacre in a Connecticut elementary school all figured out. Fischer posted his “solution to school violence” on Twitter this morning: “Solution to school violence is to get […]

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Perry Backers Promote Wild Claims about Murder of U.S. Ambassador

Bryan Fischer, who last week called on religious-righters to rally around Texas Gov. Rick Perry in 2016 if Mitt Romney loses the presidential election this November, is promoting wild claims about the murdered U.S. ambassador to Libya. Here is a post on his Twitter account Monday: “Ambassador to Libya was gay, Hillary knew it, sent […]

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