Bill Nye: Can We Stop Telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?

As soon as this week, the U.S. Supreme Court could decide whether it will hear a challenge to Texas’ restrictive anti-abortion law. Also this week, far-right politicians will continue to push the notion that Planned Parenthood should be defunded even if it means shutting down the federal government, a move that retiring Speaker John Boehner […]

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TFN's Cameo in Tuesday Night's Bill Nye-Ken Ham 'Debate'

We were pleased to hear the Texas Freedom Network come up in Tuesday night’s “debate” between science advocate Bill Nye and creationist Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. Ham brings TFN into the discussion in the clip above, but the full debate video is here. Here’s what Ham had to say about TFN: “Kathy Miller […]

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BNTSG at TFN’s EPIC Evening

Here it is, the entire Bill Nye the Science Guy speech at this year’s TFN’s EPIC Evening. Bill was in Austin to help us celebrate the DarWIN for science and to accept TFN’s Stand Up for Science award. Bill was supposed to speak for 20 minutes. He went on for almost an hour. No one […]

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An update on Bill Nye and EPIC Evening

Even in the fight to stand up for science, we’re reminded sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but you always go with the beat. As Gov. Ann Richards said about Ginger Rogers, she did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. So in that spirit, we’re asking you to […]

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