Texas Anti-Abortion Politicians Attack Researchers Who Report Inconvenient Facts

UPDATE: It appears Sen. Nelson and other anti-abortion Republicans got their pound of flesh. One of the state researchers who was a co-author on the report noted below is stepping down from his job. Here’s the chilling lesson for state workers: politicians don’t want to hear the facts about how their policies are hurting women and families. And […]

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Indictments of Anti-Abortion Activists Send Cynical Texas Politicians into a Facts-Free Frenzy

Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is foot-stomping mad that a Harris County grand jury has handed down indictments against two anti-abortion activists who helped make doctored videos attacking Planned Parenthood. The same grand jury essentially cleared Planned Parenthood of outrageous charges that the organization was illegally selling tissues from aborted fetuses. Rep. Zedlers used Twitter in […]

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Breaking News: Harris County Grand Jury Indicts Makers of Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos

The religious right’s vicious and deceitful attack on Planned Parenthood — part of a long war on abortion and other other reproductive health care services for women — appears to be backfiring in a big way. Last year anti-abortion activists released a number of deceptively edited, undercover videos that suggested Planned Parenthood was illegally selling tissue from aborted fetuses. Religious-righters and their […]

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