Summer Institute registration

Texas Rising - Summer Institute

Registration for the 2015 Texas Rising Summer Institute is now closed. Questions or comments can be emailed to [email protected].

The 2015 Texas Rising Summer Institute will take place in Austin from Thursday, July 30th – Sunday, August 2nd.

As our movement grows, so does our need for strategic and high capacity leadership. The 2015 Texas Rising Summer Institute is the event for TFN student activists to take their organizing knowledge and skills to the next level.

This years training will help participants build a common understanding of intersectional systems of power, privilege and oppression, and how they relate to abortion access, LGBTQ rights and voting rights. Once we’ve established a framework together, we’ll focus on the hard organizing skills needed to build power and turn it into action.

As always, TFN recognizes the need to make these trainings accessible to all of our student leaders. TFN will cover 100% of travel, lodging, and food during the event. In turn, by registering for the training, you are agreeing to attend the entire event from 4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – 2:00pm Sunday, August 2nd. Once registered, TFN will purchase nonrefundable goods and services on your behalf. If you cannot attend the entire event please reach out to Nick Savelli at [email protected] to discuss your situation prior to registering.

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