SBOE Candidate: Pam Little

Because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the Texas State Board of Education will be up for grabs in the November 2012 elections. The results of those elections will determine whether the religious right’s corrosive influence over public education will weaken or grow as the board considers what the next generation of public school students in Texas will learn about sex education, social studies, science and other subjects. We plan to publish on TFN Insider candidate announcements for a seat on the SBOE. We will publish announcements in no particular order, and their publication does not constitute any sort of endorsement by TFN. We will redact requests for contributions or mentions of fundraising events from the announcements, but we will provide links to the candidates’ websites (if available).

Pam Little, District 12, R-Fairview
(Current District 12 Board Member: George Clayton, R-Richardson)

Pam Little has announced that she will seek the SBOE District 12 seat. Her website, which can be found here, is sparse at the moment. The following comes from her home page.

Thank you for stopping by! I’m honored that you have taken a moment to visit our web site. While here, please sign up for email updates so you’ll be the first to know about important campaign announcements and opportunities to make a difference.

With your support, I will work to stand firm against liberal government policies which threaten our freedoms, liberties, and our economy. You can count on me to defend your conservative values with boldness and conviction.

The campaign is off to a great start, and you are invited to become part of our team. I look forward to hearing from you!

10 thoughts on “SBOE Candidate: Pam Little

  1. This candidate failed to mention a religious affiliation. This information will help voters determine whether the religious right’s corrosive influence over public education will weaken or grow as the board considers what the next generation of public school students in Texas will learn about sex education, social studies, science and other subjects.

  2. Pam says: “I will work to stand firm against liberal government policies which threaten our freedoms, liberties, and our economy.”

    Because, of course, that’s what a position on the SBOE is all about. Defeating liberal policies. Not about education. Nope.

  3. Well gee Ben. This is all I saw:

    “With your support, I will work to stand firm against liberal government policies which threaten our freedoms, liberties, and our economy.

    She should have used “that” instead of “which” (dependent clause), and there was no need for that second “our.” She seems to be stuck on “our,” as in I will represent OUR KIND of people, and the rest of the people in my district can just go to Hades because that is where you are headed anyway—so who cares?

    Did I win the prize or drive right past it?

  4. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked straight at it and never saw it. This is why they so you should never edit on-screen.

  5. Gents,

    As to her website headline… was it Mark Twain who said “to those who can’t spell at all, a dictionary is an added embarrassment”? And about the content… a board member has little time to devote to academia with all these godless liberals running around, you know.

    Good catch, Ben.

  6. Stan, I think “stand firm against liberal government policies which threaten our freedoms, liberties, and our economy” provides sufficient indication of her position on the culture war front. Definitely several steps down from Clayton, who I currently class in the Slightly Sensible Party part of the spectrum.

    We’ll have to see what she thinks about “standing up to the experts”, but I’m guessing Silly Party at best, possibly Very Silly Party.

  7. Oh, her website now mentions that she belongs to the First United Methodist Church in McKinney. I’ll note Bob Craig is also a First United Methodist, and the denomination generally seem to be relative moderates. (No data on the McKinney church.) I’d go Silly Party from what I see today.

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