Texas Freedom Network Denounces State Legislature’s Latest Attack on Transgender Healthcare

May 2, 2023

CONTACT: Emily Witt, [email protected]

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas House will today hold its first floor hearing for Senate Bill 14. If passed, the legislation would ban healthcare for transgender youth in Texas, including puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

SB 14 passed through the State Senate on April 4.

Texas Freedom Network Organizing Director Adri Pérez (they/them) issued the following response​:

“The mere consideration of legislation as cruel and harmful as SB 14 is an egregious attack on medical professionals, transgender youth, and affirming families in Texas. SB 14 is state-mandated discrimination that would put countless young transgender Texans at risk by denying lifesaving, gender-affirming medical care — care that has been deemed imperative to the health and well-being of transgender youth by every major medical association in the nation.

“This session, right-wing extremists in the Texas Legislature have been ruthless in their attempts to insert themselves in the private medical decisions made between loving, affirming families and their trusted healthcare providers. Across the political spectrum, we defend the notion that children must be protected. SB 14, if enacted, would put transgender adolescents in undeniable danger. The consequences of this bill are truly callous and we will resist its passage and implementation every step of the way.”

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