San Antonio, it’s time to vote in city elections!

UPDATE: Runoff Election on Saturday, June 8 from 7 AM – 7 PM.

Early Voting

Tuesday 5/28 – Saturday 6/1: 8 AM – 6 PM
Monday 6/3 – Tuesday 6/4: 8 AM – 8 PM

** No early voting Sunday 6/2

Voting locations and times.

During early vote, you can vote at ANY early voting location. However, on election day you must vote at your assigned polling location in your precinct.

Mayoral Runoff

Ron Nirenberg
Greg Brockhouse

City Council Runoffs

District 2 – San Antonio

Jada L. Andrews-Sullivan
Keith A. Toney

District 4 – San Antonio

Johnny Arredondo
Adriana Rocha Garcia

District 6 – San Antonio

Melissa Cabello Havrda
Andrew “Andy” Greene

If you have any problems

If you run into any issues attempting to vote, call the voter protection hotline to speak with an expert who can help you.

(866) OUR-VOTE

(888) VE-Y-VOTA

Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, and Tagalog
(888) API-VOTE

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