On National Day of Prayer, We Proudly Proclaim Our Faith Does Not Discriminate

National Day of Prayer 2023

It’s the first Thursday of May, which annually marks National Day of Prayer — a moment for us to honor the power of introspection and reflection for people of all faiths and even those of non-faith. Yet, even as we celebrate every person’s right to peacefully connect with our own spirituality, we cannot ignore how faith is being weaponized in Texas to steal our freedoms.

This is undeniable during Texas’ current legislative session where we’ve seen the far-right use harmful, false narratives that center a version of dangerous, extremist Christian Nationalism to attack LGBTQIA+ rights, religious freedom, public education, and so much more.

While this session has been incredibly difficult, there is no piece of legislation that can steal our joy or love for one another. Our Just Texas community serves as a powerful reminder that there are people of faith across Texas who are guided by truth, compassion, and justice. This past Tuesday was a beautiful example of our community’s strength as Texans of all faiths and non-faith gathered for a Sing-In led by Texas Freedom Network’s Just Texas project at the Capitol. 

Together, we proudly proclaimed that our faith does not discriminate and God loves trans people as we lifted our courageous voices in protest of Senate Bill 14, which seeks to ban lifesaving transgender healthcare for youth. It was an immense honor to be in community with faith leaders, our partners from the Equality Coalition, and Texans fighting for justice.

This National Day of Prayer, we’re holding this moment in our hearts and using it as our fuel for the fights ahead.

Below, you can see footage from our Sing-In earlier this week. We had hundreds of folks join us from across many faiths to show our shared values of love, equality, and justice. We hope this video will let you experience the joy we created in unity.

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