Help Celebrate TFN’s 14th Anniversary

It’s been a busy year for the Texas Freedom Network: battling far-right extremism on the State Board of Education, promoting responsible sexuality education for Texas teens, defeating private school voucher schemes and efforts to undermine stem cell research in the Legislature, defending religious freedom and separation of church and state. But all we’ve accomplished would not be possible without the generous help of our members and other supporters. And now it’s time to celebrate our accomplishments with all of you.

So please join us on Thursday, October 22, for TFN’s biggest event of the year — our 14th Annual Celebration at the Austin Music Hall in downtown Austin.

This year’s event features the laugh-out-loud antics of National Comedy Theatre, live music by Sticks & Stones, shopping at our incredible silent auction, delicious hors d’oeuvres from local caterers and a special award ceremony.

Click here to learn more and to sponsor this year’s event. ( To be listed on the invitation, please contribute or pledge your support by Friday, August 21.) And please make sure to say hello to staff when you come. We look forward to meeting the folks who help us continue the work we do on behalf of mainstream values — strong neighborhood public schools, religious freedom and individual liberties for all.

One thought on “Help Celebrate TFN’s 14th Anniversary

  1. Emuns air is called “whore’s doovers” in my neck of the woods. TFN should be glad it does not have to conduct its operations here.

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