Former NOM Official's Message to Texas: 'I’m Sorry. You’re Not Going to Be Able to Hold Out.'

It will be interesting to see in the coming months and years how many of the individuals now fighting against same-sex marriage begin to moderate their tone, or flat-out change their minds, as they come to terms with what now seems inevitable, and realize they don’t want to be immortalized in history as the people who fought against equality until the bitter end.

While not yet moderating her tone, one high-profile anti-equality figure has at least recognized the reality of the current state of the marriage fight, bluntly telling an audience: “It’s over.”

That figure is Jennifer Roback Morse, a former senior official for the anti-gay group the National Organization for Marriage who served as a spokesperson in favor of California’s unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8.

The site Good As You has audio of Morse telling audience (the date and location of her remarks are not specified) that the battle against marriage equality is over and that all 50 states will have equality by 2015.

Morse even took a second to address any Texans in the room:

“If anybody is here from Texas, I’m sorry. You’re not going to be able to hold out.”

A federal judge in San Antonio has already ruled that Texas’ same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott wants a federal appeals court to overturn that decision. But the trend across the country seems to point to Morse’s prediction of 50-state equality ultimately being correct. The only questions are: When? Will state officials embrace equal rights for all? Or will they be dragged kicking and screaming to the right side of history?

Here’s the Good As You audio of Morse:

3 thoughts on “Former NOM Official's Message to Texas: 'I’m Sorry. You’re Not Going to Be Able to Hold Out.'

  1. Texas is under the sway of fundies from border to border, so it will be a fight. Unfortunately I reside here for the time being and fight the fundies everywhere possible. I’m a 70-Y-O, straight, married (48-years), high profile atheist who fights the rights of the LGBT community when and where ever possible. My best friend is an ordained Baptist minister who realized thew stupidity of religion and opted out. He is also a gay man who had been in a 30+-years relationship with another male friend of mine. We set up atheist groups in Denton and Decatur to keep the fight open and growing. I agree, marriage equality is simply a matter of time, even in Texas.

  2. Oops, I left out “for” between “fight — the rights of the LGBT” Didn’t proof read the bloody thing before the “comment” button. There needs to be an “edit” button in posts.

  3. I agree that the fight over marriage equality is pretty much all over but the shouting, but it’s very surprising to hear someone from the National Organization for marriage saying it.

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