"Do we as a society have the right to impose our religious beliefs on somebody else?"

That’s the question Rep. Tim Faust, a state representative in the Minnesota House — and a minister — asked in announcing his vote in favor of same-sex marriage yesterday. The speech is quite moving and an eloquent defense not only of the importance of basic fairness under the law, but also of the beauty of the American secular system that protects the religious liberty of all its citizens. Watch it.

The Minnesota House voted 75-59 Thursday to pass a marriage equality bill through the legislature. The Senate is expected to vote on — and pass — the bill on Monday, and Gov. Mark Dayton has pledged to sign the bill if it passes.

6 thoughts on “"Do we as a society have the right to impose our religious beliefs on somebody else?"

  1. Message from East Tennessee:

    Weez does. Weez does has the right. Weez does has the right to impoze our religion on them otherns. First of all, we has the right to do hit ’cause hits right. Seconds of all, we has the right ’cause hit’ll be good fur’um and bring’em many blessins. Lastly, and most importants, hit’ll keep the wratha God from a fallin’ on this nashun. Ah, if peeple could only see all them air great storms that’ll never cum. If peeples could only see them nashuns that’ll never invade us. If peeples could only seez all ’em new goods in ’em air stores and all the moneyies in ’em air pockets that’ll be a losin’ iffins Minnersoder does this here awful thang. Ize jist noze hit. Really ize does.

  2. Yes we do have the right to impose our religion on others and we should take every opportunity to do so. Since the ends justify the means any and all tactics, no matter how reprehensible, should be used to coerce everyone in America to become a born-again Christian. It’s selflessness on our part, we are simply trying to guarantee them eternal salvation. And since the Bible clearly states that only born-again Christians can go to heaven we are doing them the biggest favor of their sinful lives, trying to rescue them from the moral cesspool in which they swim.

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