District 5 SBOE Debate Videos Now Online

Video segments from today’s Republican and Democratic debates between candidates for the District 5 seat on the Texas State Board of Education are now available online here. It appears that an audio file of Wednesday’s District 9 debate between Republican incumbent Don McLeroy and his opponent in the GOP primary, Thomas Ratliff, is not yet available online. The two candidates debated on KEOS radio in Bryan.

UPDATE: Audio-only segments of Thursday’s District 5 debates are available here.

3 thoughts on “District 5 SBOE Debate Videos Now Online

  1. The most important thing I learned in the Democratic District 5 SBOE debate:

    The SBOE’s health curriculum teaches teenagers that sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented by getting enough sleep.

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought it. We can prevent VD by simply buying Sleep Numbers Beds for our kids. Before we know it, Sleep Number Beds will soon supplant the need for condoms, penicillin, and all related pharmaceuticals. It was all so simple. The public health professionals missed it. The epidemiologists missed it. The local medical doctors missed it. The New England Journal Of Medicine and Lancet missed it. How could they have been so stupid. Some average Joe Christian Neo-Fundamentalist in Texas has made one of the great medical breakthroughs of the 21st century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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