Clayton Seeks SBOE Re-election After All

Texas State Board of Education incumbent George Clayton, R-Richardson, has decided to seek re-election to his seat after all. Clayton had announced on Monday that he would seek election to the District 112 seat in the Texas House of Representatives. In an email to a Dallas Morning News reporter today, however, Clayton says that the new court-ordered map of state House districts doesn’t include his residence in District 112:

“I had planned to withdraw from the SBOE race to run for House district 112. Unfortunately, the courts drew me out of that district. So, I cannot run for the house seat. I will remain a candidate for reelection to SBOE District 12.”

Clayton is opposed by three other Republicans in the GOP primary and one Democrat. The Texas Freedom Network’s SBOE election watch page includes lists of candidates as well other information on state board districts.

3 thoughts on “Clayton Seeks SBOE Re-election After All

  1. Thank you Mr. Clayton. I was hoping that you would make the decision to run after all. Remember the Alamo. Stand in the gap no matter what. Good, honest, and decent people who still have any heart left in them will rise to stand by your side. Your private life is no one’s business but your own. Just tell that to anyone that asks. We need your brain on the Texas SBOE.

  2. From what I can see so far, I’d might prefer republican Clayton over democratic Parrott. Both seem likely in the Slightly Sensible Party range, but Clayton seems more a bridge-builder, while Parrott’s history seems more as a bridge-burner.

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