Groups Decry “Home-Rule” Bill That Eliminates Class Size, Curriculum, All Education Standards

Groups Decry “Home-Rule” Bill That Eliminates Class Size, Curriculum, All Education Standards FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2003 Austin, TX Student learning would suffer under proposed rollbacks of education standards, said a coalition of fifteen public interest groups on Monday. “While public school finance and the $1.4 billion education cuts are grabbing headlines, the biggest […]

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Torrent Of Bad Education Bills Rips Through Legislature; Leadership Puts Ideology Ahead Of Students, Fiscal Crisis

Torrent Of Bad Education Bills Rips Through Legislature; Leadership Puts Ideology Ahead Of Students, Fiscal Crisis April 22, 2003 Austin, TX Ideological agendas have displaced sound public policy and the best interest of Texas students at the Texas Capitol, as the legislature considers a litany of anti-public education bills this week, said the Texas Freedom […]

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Voucher Bill Sneaks Through Committee At Closed Meeting On House Floor

Voucher Bill Sneaks Through Committee At Closed Meeting On House Floor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 3, 2003 Austin, TX Chairman Kent Grusendorf called an impromtu meeting of the House Public Education Committee at his desk on the House floor this morning and hurriedly passed out his controversial voucher bill, H.B. 2465. For the next two […]

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Bill Dismantling Education Standards Heads To House; Ends Class Size, Curriculum, Teacher Standards At Schools

Bill Dismantling Education Standards Heads To House; Ends Class Size, Curriculum, Teacher Standards At Schools FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 2, 2003 Austin, TX Student learning would suffer under proposed rollbacks of education standards, said the Texas Freedom Network. Legislation passed by a House committee last night would exempt some school districts from virtually all state […]

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