National Support for the Freedom to Marry at Record High Even as Texas Republicans Resist

While some Texas legislators and far-right groups continue to push measures to block the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples, a new Gallup poll shows their views are shared by a steadily shrinking minority of people across the country. The poll released today shows that a record-high 60 percent of Americans say that marriages between same-sex couples should be […]

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URGENT: Anti-LGBT sneak attack expected today in the Texas House

We’re hearing that state Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, is expected to offer a dangerous religious-refusal amendment during the debate on SB 206 in the House later today. The amendment (which is almost identical to HB 3864) would permit discrimination against LGBT children and families in adoption, foster care and child welfare placements. Also, the broad […]

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Take Action: Oppose Anti-Abortion Legislation Monday at the Capitol

While over in the Texas House of Representatives many, many bills met their fate when a key deadline passed Thursday night, lawmakers in the lower chamber did accomplish a few things, including, unfortunately, passing even more abortion restrictions. And with those bills now approved in the House, the debate over that legislation now shifts to […]

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