Far-Right Texas Pastor Jeffress: Obama Is ‘Defender-in-Chief of Islam’

Robert Jeffress, the far-right Dallas pastor who thinks President Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist, is troubled that the president visited a Baltimore mosque this week to express his opposition to bigotry and discrimination targeting Muslim Americans. After Jeffress spoke on Fox News today, the network tweeted some of his comments, including: .@robertjeffress: Pres. […]

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Woodfill Announces Bid for Texas GOP Chair at Anti-LGBT Hate Fest in Houston

We told you last week about Jared Woodfill’s coming bid for chair of the Texas Republican Party. He made the official announcement at an event hosted by Houston hate-monger Steve Hotze’s Conservative Republicans of Texas organization. The anti-LGBT rhetoric at the event was so vile that it appeared to make some of the folks even in that audience […]

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Support equality for LGBTQ Texans

The freedom to marry became the law of the land, even here in Texas, in June of 2015. But the fight for equality didn’t end there. Texas remains a state where LGBTQ individuals can be fired from their job, denied a place to live or refused service at a business simply because of who they […]

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Join the #StandUp4Science Rapid Response Team

In 2016-17, the Texas State Board of Education is streamlining the state’s controversial science curriculum standards. And that means evolution is back in the crosshairs. TFN is working to ensure that the revised standards don’t promote junk science. You can help by joining the #StandUp4Science Rapid Response Team: First name Last name Email Zip code […]

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