Former Texas GOP Chair Joins the Right’s Worship of Putin’s Russia

What is it with the American right’s love affair with Vladimir Putin’s Russia these days? Tom Pauken, who served as chair of the Texas Republican Party in the 1990s and currently supports Donald Trump for president, tweeted this morning that Russia is “returning to its Christian roots” while the United States is “going in the opposite direction.” […]

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David Barton Promotes His Discredited Jefferson Book as a ‘Must Read’ for 2016. Seriously.

David Barton, the pseudo-historian and head of the Texas-based, religious-right organization WallBuilders, is still promoting his discredited book about Thomas Jefferson. A Wednesday post on his Facebook page declares: “David Barton’s ‘The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson’ is the must read book of 2016! … This new paperback edition of The Jefferson Lies re-documents […]

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Column: SBOE again takes aim at evolution

The State Board of Education’s war on evolution in Texas public schools is in the news again. Now the Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and other newspaper around the state are publishing this new column from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller. Here is the full version: […]

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Texas GOP Ed Board Member’s Wish on Textbook Controversy: ‘Deny the Hispanics a Record Vote’

Emails show that a Republican member of the State Board of Education wants to “deny the Hispanics a record vote” when the board decides in November whether to adopt a controversial Mexican-American studies textbook proposed for Texas public schools. Other related emails from individuals outside the board are laced with political criticism and insults, with one writer referring […]

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