Sex Education in America

News that Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s unmarried, 17-year-old daughter is pregnant has once again focused attention on the debate over sex education in the United States. The religious right’s attacks against responsible sex education have been accompanied — with strong support from the Bush administration — by increased funding for […]

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Under Maintenance

TFN Insider is currently under maintenance. Our recent posts are still available for viewing, but you will run into some kinks in the design. All should be fixed shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience. […]

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‘Devolution in Education’

Weekly newspapers often do a good job covering complex topics because reporters have the time and space to research and develop their stories. The Fort Worth Weekly offers a good example this week. If you want a broad examination of the debate over new science curriculum standards and what Texas public school students should learn about […]

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Progressive Clergy Take on the Religious Right in Ohio

The following article by Frederick Clarkson is crossposted with permission from Talk to Action. One of the major tactics in the political development of the Religious Right over the past few decades has been abuse of the IRS non-profit tax code which, simply put, proscribes electioneering by 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, including churches. Recently, the Alliance Defense […]

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McCain’s VP Choice: Surrendering to the Religious Right

So-called “maverick” Republican presidential candidate John McCain skewered religious-right leaders in 2000 as “agents of intolerance.” Yet he has spent the past year groveling for support from religious-right pooh-bahs like the Rev. Rod Parsley of Ohio and the Rev. John Hagee of San Antonio. Of course, McCain was finally forced to repudiate Parsley and Hagee because of […]

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