Far-right groups like the Free Market Foundation (the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family) are now dredging up a discredited project by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute in an attempt to “prove” that mainstream science is torn by controversy over evolution. Supporters of the seven-year-old Dissent from Darwin project claim that more than 700 scientists from around the […]
Recent Blogs
Gail Lowe: Promoting Political Agendas over the Interests of Schoolchildren
Gail Lowe, a member of the far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education, has demonstrated once again her true agenda for public schools. The State Board of Education is responsible for developing curriculum standards and approving textbooks that help our kids succeed in school and prepare them for college and the jobs of the 21st […]
Quote o’ the Day
From today’s TFN News Clips… “Not anti-religious. Anti-Christian.” — Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, warning a university student reporter that 90 percent of his professors are anti-Christian. Perhaps it’s comforting to know that our neighbors north of the Red River have their share of wing nuts as well. Want to get Texas Freedom […]
Experts, Shmexperts. Who Needs ‘Em?
Was anyone else appalled by Monday’s guest column from Perry Glanzer and Wesley Null in the Austin American-Statesman? Glanzer and Null, education professors at Baylor University, were sharply critical of the new 21st-Century Science Coalition. The coalition of more than 1,000 Texas scientists insists that the State Board of Education shouldn’t water down instruction on evolution when it adopts new science […]
Postcards from Alaska II
We told you that the far-right Liberty Legal Institute, based in Plano near Dallas, had failed Thursday to persuade an Alaska judge to shut down a legislative investigation into alleged abuses of power by Sarah Palin, the state’s governor and Republican vice presidential nominee. Now the Anchorage Daily News reports that the state’s Supreme Court […]