Following the Money

Records recently filed with the Internal Revenue Service show that James Leininger, a San Antonio businessman and sugar daddy for the religious right in Texas, continued through at least 2007 to fund efforts to recruit pastors into the Republican political machine in this state and across the country. In 2005 the Texas Restoration Project spent […]

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Trying to Kiss and Make Up?

Reports tonight say state representatives John Smithee, R-Amarillo, and Dan Gattis, R-Georgetown, have withdrawn their candidacies for speaker of the Texas House. That leaves Rep. Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, as the only remaining speaker candidate. So what does Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum have to say about the man (Straus) she has been attacking […]

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Speaker Politics and the Far Right

Cathie Adams at Texas Eagle Forum isn’t turning down the heat in her assault on Texas House speaker candidate Joe Straus, R-San Antonio. In a new e-mail to far-right activists today, Adams essentially accuses Straus of being a liar. Adams writes: Representatives should not be thrown off by Straus’ claim that he will not support an expansion of […]

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The Religious Right Goes to Bat for Craddick

The contest for speaker of the Texas House of Representatives is exposing deep divisions in Republican ranks — and the religious right is doing all it can to widen those divisions. A collection of religious-right groups is sending out mass e-mails, calling on activists to contact their local lawmakers and demand that they support the […]

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Science, Propaganda and Popularity Contests

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a report in November showing that the notion of any “controversy” over evolution is rejected almost unanimously by trained biologists at Texas colleges and universities. In addition, scientists overwhelmingly oppose the proposition that public school students should be taught creationist-fabricated “weaknesses” of evolution rather than 21st-century science based on […]

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