Freedom and Education

Let’s talk about freedom and education for a moment. Today’s Austin American-Statesman includes an advance story about this week’s Texas State Board of Education public hearing and preliminary vote on proposed new science curriculum standards for public schools. Board member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, trots out the now-familiar talking points of the board’s creationists: teaching […]

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Teach Them Science!

The coalition supporting a sound science education in Texas public schools is growing. Today the Center for Inquiry in Austin and the Clergy Letter Project launched a new Web site — Teach them Science — that promotes a 21st-century science education for Texas schoolchildren. The Web site offers a wealth of information about the Texas State Board […]

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Next Week’s Evolution ‘Show Trial’ at the SBOE

The anti-evolution Discovery Institute is crowing about next week’s scheduled science smackdown at the Texas State Board of Education. On Wednesday afternoon, the board will hear from a panel of six individuals appointed to review proposed new science curriculum standards for public schools. Three of the reviewers — nominated by far-right board members — are creationists who […]

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More Phony Arguments from Anti-Science Fanatics

The folks over at the Discovery Institute, an anti-evolution pressure group based in Seattle, appear to have little problem with irony (even if they do have problems with the truth). Robert Crowther, DI’s director of communications, has written a letter to the editor at the San Antonio Express-News, offering his disingenous critique of a pro-evolution […]

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Sweeping Away the SBOE’s Authority

State Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, has just filed legislation that would strip the Texas State Board of Education of all authority assigned to it by statute. Among the board’s powers that would go away: setting curriculum standards and adopting textbooks. That authority would be transferred to the Texas Education Agency. The only authority the board would […]

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