Clean Up at the Texas SBOE

Today the focus at the Texas State Board of Education is a formal vote on proposed new public school science curriculum standards. During yesterday’s preliminary votes, a board majority refused to reinsert “strengths and weaknesses” — language used to attack evolution — in the proposed standards. Creationists succeeded, however, in inserting language that would have […]

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Live Blogging: Texas SBOE Science Debate

Texas State Board of Education members are beginning debate on new public school science curriculum standards. The board will likely take a preliminary vote (or votes) today on whether to amend the draft standards submitted by teacher writing teams and then post them for public comment. A formal vote on posting the standards comes on […]

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Today at the Texas SBOE

Keep an eye on TFN Insider today for updates on action at the State Board of Education regarding proposed new public school curriculum standards. Meanwhile, you have two other options for live-blogging: Steven Schafersman from Texas Citizens for Science and Josh Rosenau at Thoughts from Kansas. […]

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What’s Next on Texas Science Standards?

We signed off our live-blogging before letting folks know what happens next with the Texas public school science standards. Now that the public hearings are over, the State Board of Education on Thursday will consider any changes to the proposed standards. Then board members may take a preliminary vote followed by a formal vote the […]

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Live Blogging: The Texas SBOE vs. Science III

5:49 p.m. – We’re entering the home stretch (maybe). Charles Garner, a creationist chemist from Baylor, is up. “There is an effort to redefine theories and how they distinguish from hypotheses” that’s not accepted by everyone in science. We certainly agree that there has been an effort to redefine scientific theories, but that effort has […]

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