Summer Seminars in Pseudoscience

During last week’s public hearing on proposed science standards, evolution deniers on the Texas State Board of Education insisted that they had no intention of promoting “intelligent design”/creationism in public schools. Stephen Meyer, co-founder of the anti-evolution Discovery Institute in Seattle, echoed the claims of the board’s anti-science faction. They just want kids to learn […]

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Audio from the SBOE Science Debate

Tony Whitson has captured and organized the Internet audio feed from last week’s Texas State Board of Education hearing and debate over proposed science curriculum standards. His work is a great resource for folks interested in listening to key parts of the hearing and debate. Check it out on his curricublog here. […]

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Dunbar: Mistruths and the War on Science

It’s been interesting how easily evolution deniers rely on and even promote falsehoods to bolster their attacks on teaching sound science. While live-blogging the Texas State Board of Education public hearing on proposed public school science curriculum standards last week, we noted a good example of this. In case you missed it, we thought we’d […]

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Shining a Light on the Texas State Ed Board

Texas lawmakers continue to look for ways to rein in the State Board of Education. One way to do that is by making sure more Texans can witness the board’s extremists at work. That’s why we’re happy that today state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, filed legislation requiring that the Texas Education Agency provide live video Web casts […]

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Texas SBOE Gives First OK to Science Standards

The Texas State Board of Education has voted to give preliminary approval to proposed new science standards as amended yesterday. The board will take a final vote on adoption of the standards in March. It appears that a number of board members did not want to challenge some of the amendments added to the standards yesterday […]

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