Summer Summit Promotes Responsible Sex Ed

Do you know young folks who want to advocate for responsible sexuality education in Texas? The Texas Freedom Network is now accepting applications for our 2009 Summer Summit Activist Training. The summit will be in Austin June 12-13, and participants must be ages 15-24. The application deadline is May 26. Participants will learn how to get […]

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Perry Takes RR Courtship to DC

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will be one of the speakers at an annual gathering of the religious right September 18-20 in Washington, D.C. The so-called “Values Voter Summit” is sponsored by far-right groups like the Family Research Council, American Family Association and Focus on the Family. The event brings together politicos and celebrities to spend three […]

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David Barton: Playing the Victim

David Barton is now complaining that folks who oppose his appointment by the Texas State Board of Education to a panel of social studies “experts” are doing so simply because he’s a Christian and a conservative. We’re not going to let him get away with that blatant mistruth. (Some might rightly call it a “lie.”) […]

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A Dark Hint of What Is to Come

On April 30 we reported that Texas State Board of Education members were appointing a social studies “expert” panel that includes unqualified ideologues who argue that the Constitution doesn’t protect church-state separation and want U.S. laws and public policies to be based on the Bible. We’ve also seen signs that anti-Muslim bigotry could play a big role […]

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Join Texas Freedom Network Today!

Thanks very much to all who have taken the opportunity during this Membership Week to join or renew your membership with the Texas Freedom Network. The response to this special membership drive has been phenomenal. If you haven’t done so already, please click here to join TFN or renew your membership today. […]

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