Help Review the Social Studies ‘Experts’

The so-called “expert” reviewers appointed by the Texas State Board of Education have turned over their written reviews of the first drafts of the new social studies curriculum standards. While we work through these reviews, let us know what you think about them, too. The reviews are here. The first drafts are here. Among the things […]

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Barbara Cargill Airs Her Hypocrisy

The flap over President Obama’s speech to students on Tuesday has exposed quite a bit of hypocrisy from the far right. Media Matters notes one big batch of hypocrisy from Texas State Board of Education member Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands. “On NPR’s All Things Considered, host Noah Adams, introducing a report on President Obama’s September […]

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Is Gov. Perry Still ‘Deeply Honored’?

When we read Cathie Adams’ e-mail comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler for addressing students across the country in a speech yesterday, we recalled that Adams has endorsed Texas Gov. Rick Perry for re-election. Gov. Perry’s campaign issued a press release on Aug. 21 announcing the endorsement from Adams, who heads the far-right Texas Eagle […]

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Don’t Buy the Lie

From a message being circulated to a far-right e-mail list in Texas today: “(T)he teen pregnancy rate is certainly not the fault of abstinence-only sex education programs but is instead the outgrowth of prolific contraceptive sex education programs.” The facts say otherwise: Texas has one of the highest teen birth rates in the country (and […]

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TX Eagle Forum Compares President to Hitler

Texas Eagle Forum’s Cathie Adams shows once again how extreme and unhinged the far right has become. In an e-mail to far-right activists sent out late Saturday night, Ms. Adams — who is also a Republican National Committeewoman and has endorsed Gov. Rick Perry for re-election next year — compares President Obama to Adolf Hitler […]

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