The Battle over History and Education

We have seen a series of stories in the last few days about the coming debate at the State Board of Education this week on proposed new social studies curriculum standards in Texas public schools. The Austin American-Statesman yesterday looked at efforts by conservative evangelicals to require that students learn that the United States was […]

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Far-Right Rhetoric on Social Studies Heats Up

With the Texas State Board of Education set to take up debate on proposed new social studies curriculum standards this week, the far right’s rhetoric is increasingly heated. We told you last week that Texas Tea Partiers are planning a “take back our schools!” rally outside a public hearing on the standards at the Texas Education Agency […]

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‘Anti-Christian Bigotry’

So now FOX News anchor Brit Hume is saying that criticism of his call last Sunday for golfer Tiger Woods to dump Buddhism and convert to Christianity is just another form of “anti-Christian bigotry.” Hume told yesterday: “It is certainly true in secular America today that the most controversial two words you can ever […]

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Tea Partiers: ‘Take Back Our Schools!’

Next week’s public hearing on social studies curriculum standards in Austin could resemble last summer’s angry protests over health insurance reform. That’s because the anti-government Tea Party brigades are now turning their attention to curriculum matters at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). The Austin Texas Tea Party Web site is screaming: “Take Back […]

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SBOE Elections: Far Right Targets Bob Craig

With the filing period now closed, it’s clear that the religious right is targeting another traditional Republican for defeat on the Texas State Board of Education. District 15 board incumbent Bob Craig, R-Lubbock, will be challenged in a March GOP primary that could further strengthen the far right’s control of the board. Craig’s primary opponent […]

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